
Marco Marziale (1492-1507)

"Marco Marziale was a Venetian painter from, known to have been active from 1492/93 to 1507. He was a pupil of Giovanni Bellini, as stated in some of his inscriptions signing works, and was also influenced by Giovanni's brother Gentile, with possibly some elements of the style of Perugino also. From January 1493 (old Julian calendar), when he must have at least completed his training, he was employed by the Republic of Venice as an assistant to Giovanni Bellini on the Great Council Chamber in the Doge's Palace at a fairly modest salary. These paintings were all lost in the great fire of 1574. In 1493 he joined the confraternity of the Scuola di San Marco." - (Wikipedia (en) 10.06.2021)

Mit tudunk


was born Velence


professional / worker Velence 1493
professional / worker Cremona

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